
Conscious Network

of Aquarius Era

You Are the Creator of This World

– You Are the Seed of the Universe Sowed on this Special Planet, EARTH –

We all have wondered somewhere in our lifetime, “Why do I live this life? What is the purpose of my existence?” It certainly is one of our life missions to find the “Truth” to these questions.

The key to accomplishing this mission actually exists much closer than you might think. Where? You brought it with you when you arrived in this life! Do you wonder where it has gone? It hasn’t gone anywhere. It’s just tucked really well within you that hard to be discovered. How to find it? Who can tell if you don’t remember it?

Well. Step 1 – Ask yourself one simple question, “What is my true desire?” “What swells my heart when I think about it?” (Ok. I asked two questions…)

Your “Soul” remembers everything about why you were born in this life, and it is always trying to guide you to the right path.

But do you think you’ve been listening to it well? Have you been honest to your soul?

Since I was a teenager, finding and understanding the truth of my life was always floating somewhere in my mind. Consciously or unconsciously, I felt like I was always on the search for it.

On this site, I invite you to explore your divine essence and its connection to the rest of the world and universe; it’s invisible but so important and powerful to our life. The world of energy that rules our physical and metaphysical world, surrounds us, and stages our daily life. Its fascinating activities, hardly noticed yet so powerful, are tied to everything that happens in our life; how we grow up, how we connect with others, what attracts us, how material wealth and other fortunes come around, etc.

Your answers to the “soul question” may change from time to time. But that’s ok and perfectly normal because you are always evolving through your journey, one step at a time to reach your true gem.

You are in the centre stage of your life no matter what. To put out your best performance, you want to understand how to work backstage, too. Agreed?

I share my nuggets of the Universe with you and any available materials and resources that may help you get where you want to be. It is up to you how you take in and apply them to your life:

  • Find your true self.
  • Find the key to your fulfillment & purposes.
  • Learn how to manifest your dreams, life you love, and abundance.
  • Control, maintain and/or enhance your healthy mind and body.
  • or Simply satisfy your curiosity to wonders & unknown.
  • and Whatever else you feel RIGHT and aligns with your WILL.

You know it when you hear a call from the Universe!

~ About me ~

I was born and raised in Japan, and now Canada is my home.

Ami means “Net” or “Knitting” in Japanese, also “Friend” in French. But this name is also questioning my own existence, “Am I?” As I have been on the “Path of I Am,” learning the universal wisdom from Matias de Stefano, I understood that “Am I?” is the outgoing process of the Universe to expand, experience, learn, and understand until we finally find the unity, become “I Am,” and take a return journey to the origin of the Cosmos. I believe that the Universe brought me this name to weave the conscious network on this planet Earth while being a friend to those who are awakening to the conscious world at this beginning of new Aquarius era.

My last name, Godsgate, is literally the translation of my Japanese family name. So, I see my name as one of my missions to be a service to lead you closer to the door to the divine at the best of my ability.🙂

I have a beautiful daughter who is an amazing young woman now. The first three days after she was born were the happiest days in my 19 years of marriage. Why only three days? Well, I got myself into a mentally very abusive marriage, and I had to focus hard every day to manage daily life, be good for my child, and protect her from any harm.

Coming from a very good childhood and perfect life until then, this new phase of my life became the first big turning point, and more to come later. But it was me who chose to take this path.

Who knew, it must have been the beginning of my spiritual path that I was always searching for, but it didn’t come with a warm, welcoming hug. It was more like a big slap on the face and confusion.

I shall call it my training period, more like a boot camp. The endless mental abuse and manipulation lead me to shut down my sense one day and become emotionally numb. It was the mechanism that kicked in me to cope with the insanity with less pain. I smiled a lot but was dead inside.

But as the numbness emerged, I opened my new eyes to observe the world differently. I started to develop the sense to discover the presence of such power that operates the world surrounds us, which can’t be seen in the eyes but only to sense or feel, and definitely, it was there. Understanding illogical thoughts started coming to me very naturally.

The power of our energy: you can control everything if you know how to use it and work with higher realms.

During this tough time, as a result, I learned a lot about how to handle energy on a large scale and connect with mighties. Meantime, my partner developed a permanent illness, and I was able to leave the abusive environment and have a quiet life with my daughter, a little angel. But it still took me years before finally putting the period to this phase of life.

The price I paid to gain what I learned was very high. My numbness and psychological trauma took a good place in creating who I am now; some scars disappear, and others become a part of my own being. I believe in the famous phrase:

“It’s the Pressure that Turns a Coal into a Diamond.”

My single motherhood was also another challenge, but I managed. Restarting my life from a rock bottom, I became successful in the top of the corporate world in several years. That was when I found helping others so rewarding.

But after all, the work was my tool not to feel empty. I kept on working so that I could ignore it. It was my current partner who realized my inner mess, and he shook me out really hard and taught me to “Unlearn” and “Relearn.”

For the first time in a long time, I gained the ability to cry, something that was forbidden during my marriage.

Now, I am further pursuing my passion in understanding the world and the Universe that surrounds us, remembering the divine power we all have and the precious gifts that the universe has always been offering us, the importance of connecting with the love from our blue mother Earth, and the questions we all have, “What is the truth of our existence?” “How can we create a new world of this new era and live a better life?”

During the pandemic, following Matias for the Path of I Am became the perfect time for thousands including me to “remember” who we really are, and what we mean in this Universe. Here I am now to extend what I’ve learned so far and share it with you on this site. I hope it helps you reclaim your own divine power and recreate your new reality, “Become the Creator of Your Own.”

Everything has yin and yang. It’s inevitable, which makes one piece balanced and complete – material life & spiritual life, good you & bad you, day & night, indulging gorgeous meals & worrying about the waistline…

Light shines because dark exists; living in coherence and harmony with the Earth and Universe is the gold nugget of our existence. Our lives have been placed on a much bigger stage than you can ever imagine!

I always say, “Look at the bright side!” Trust me. It’s always there. It’s for you to find it. But I also leaned to “honour the dark.” Because of it, we can evolve strongly and magnificently.

We all can shine our best potential as we were born to be. Then, the world becomes a happier place.

I Am Love & Gratitude,

Ami Godsgate