‘Keep Your Divine Power in Action! – Master the Mind and Energy’’

Mastering how to maintain your mind and energy can surely take you to reaching the next level of success, goals, and dreams. Consistency is the key.

Yes, you have to start moving with vibrating your own energy and stay focused not to miss the path that your GPS is guiding you.

Even though, you still feel unsure or sometimes get confused and find yourself off the course. Don’t panic. You are not lost, just taking a little different route from what you expected. I recommend you enjoy the new scenery and keep your focus on your destination. You will soon get back on the path you feel confident again.

Along with your map and GPS, you have your guardian spirits and angels on your side, back, above and all around. They may be guiding you to the path you didn’t plan on your map. They are your mighties and sometimes put you to the test so that you can get the necessary experiences in order to accomplish your mission, to reach your destiny in the best shape possible.  So, how can you be proactive to those challenges?

It’s all to do with exercising your mind and learning to control your energy.

When people feel lost, those who keep the wide view, stay calm and focused, and trust in arriving at their destination enjoy the journey more. It also helps keep the mind clear and make good decisions.

Remember, you are the one in action and control; GPS is only your trusted assistant.

You are not only the screenwriter of your life story but the leading star, always on the center stage. You have the power to decide how your story goes and how you want to play.

Imagine you are the screenwriter and playing the lead of your big movie. What do you expect to get from it?

  • Lots of financial rewards and satisfaction
  • Being someone important
  • Achievement
  • Success
  • Excitement and Fun
  • Being a center of your world
  • Simply feels good!

All these things, and anything else you imagine, happen when you decide to take on your reality with your own script in command, the right mindset, and persistence.

Your script must be based on the thoughts you love, something that puts you in the sky when you think about them. They are called “desires.”

Let’s recap the science lesson from the previous post.

Summary: “Mind creates thought, and it creates emotion. This process triggers the brain to send out signals in the form of electricity = energy. As the energy runs through your body, it also spread out of your body as vibration, just like radio frequencies. The same frequencies catch each other. That’s how you attract the life you want.”

Your desirable thoughts must go through these steps and turn into the wave of energy being sent out from you. It works as a magnet and brings you what matches to your frequency.

To do that, you need to work on your emotional level.

  1. Take in your dearest thoughts as if already happened, and live in the moment NOW!
  2. Get Emotionally attached and make yourself really really happy/excited/relieved, etc. whatever the emotion suits the outcome of your desires. (Some people do this exercise until they have happy tears in their eyes.)

You probably need some practice to get yourself to this stage. You really have to live in your thoughts so that your brain gets tricked and starts thinking it is the current reality, then sends out the vibration out of your body all the way to the universe!

Once you reach this point, it’s a big success! Congratulations.

Then from this point on, some discipline kicks in…

  1. Keep the same feeling as long and often as you can – you need to keep on sending your vibration and become that person until it turns into your reality. No matter how long it takes!

Please keep on practicing, so you’ll get better and better.

Your biggest dream life won’t come true by thinking about it just once. The key is to be consistent in creating the waves of energy you desire. Do your best, so is to become your second nature until the story you live in becomes your real life.

Trust me, it works. It worked for me, so works for you!

I hope it makes sense to you.

It holds the power to change EVERYTHING for you and help you do so much good.

Discover your divine power to turn your beautiful thoughts into reality.

For your happy life, 🙂


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