‘How to Control Your Life – Your Energy and Life Map’

“Having a good life” is everybody’s desire. Some people know exactly what to do to live in it; others hang a blur hope that maybe it will come one day. I would say both are in the middle of the path on their own unique journey, taking one step at a time. There is no right or wrong, only to discover what comes next.

Here is a quote I like;

“There is no need to rush. What meant for you always arrive on time.”

It sounds like our life had already been mapped out from the moment we were born (or even before.) Does it make you wonder how your map looks like?

Then, a question arises “Does it mean that I have no control over my life?” I wouldn’t say so, because the truth is that you are the one who designed the map on which you are walking right now! Before receiving your body and arriving through your parents, you, as a spirit, had chosen to live this life in full agreement.

Here you arrive in this world, and off you go for your exciting journey! But wait a minute. Where is the map? You don’t quite remember where you should be heading. Oops…

How can you make sure that you are on the right track? Who follows up the map if not you?

What you think, do, and feel reflect all your surroundings and lay the path for you to step in, and somewhere along the way, you may encounter your higher self – Jackpot! You have come across an important checkpoint on your map.

Today, let’s start with the core and basic topic, “Energy”!

“ENERGY” is such a broad word. It relates with many things. But hey, it is what it is. It must be broad because it has to do with everything. What do I mean by everything? I mean everything.

You name it, any objects, living things, even the things with no physical existence but their names. They all form with energy.

Stones at a riverbank – you kick them around or throw in the water. Yes, they contain energy; they are alive. Yet, just like other living things, once their energy is gone, they are no longer with us…

Love is another form of energy. You can feel, grow, and even give it to someone. But it doesn’t have a physical form unless putting it in a diamond ring or home-baked cookies, etc. So is happiness, the famous positive energy that you can raise, give or receive.

Money – oh, yes. Probably this is nothing but energy in the form of metal, paper or numbers. If you can align your energy with it, it can pump up so much more in you. But just like any other thing, the quality of energy varies. You probably get an idea, but let’s save this topic for another day. For now, I recommend you entertain yourself with the idea of having lots of money and enjoy the moment of it!

The manifestation of such examples as love, happiness, and money is talked about a lot along with the Law of Attraction – one of the powerful laws of the universe! It teaches about your hidden ability that allows you to tap into your subconscious and re-program it for having your desired life.

My first encounter with it was the well-known book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. (You can find free downloads easily. You may try this link above.) This book shifted my mindset; anything imaginable that I want is already granted, and I just have to know how to receive it. I also learned that I don’t have to accommodate everything life throws at me.

Accepting is a grace of life, which is not the same as being passive. It is important to accept what you live right now as it is the result of how you have been projecting your energy to the universe. But you can also actively shift it to the direction you intend!

Does that sound good to you? But then, you may think, “Is it about refusing to follow my life map given at my birth?” It’s a good question, and I disagree. Like the above quote said, when you decided to do or change something that resonates with your heart, it’s always the right time for it. The important part is to live a life you wanted for yourself, which is definitely marked on your map! Learning the skills to maneuver your path gives you the power to be the master of your map.

Whatever this type of materials may teach, this is all to do with how to control “Energy.” It is your energy that makes all happen in your life. The stronger your energy is, and the more you have, the more advantage you gain in controlling your way.

Here are some examples of the basic energy concept.

Electricity is one form of energy, so is gasoline. Without these resources, our modern life will be a disaster. But do you think that cars, computers or appliances are completely out of life if their power source is not hooked up? We probably think so because they won’t work as they should.

But remember, everything contains its own energy within. For example, a beautiful luxury car has no gas, so it doesn’t do the primary purpose – run. But it looks gorgeous, still draws people’s attention, and takes their breath away just by parking there. Why? That’s because this car contains its own powerful energy. Do you get the idea?

When you get attracted to something or someone, or your attention suddenly gets caught on something, you are feeling their energy. The people who get a lot of attention normally carry a large amount of strong energy. For example, movie stars; are packed with energy. Many of them have an undeniable presence. That’s because their energy is so big, and we can feel it.

Why are some people like that? Were they born with it? Well, that’s also a story for another day.

These are some basics on how energy works. Are you the person who hugs trees? Well, you may think about showing your appreciation for many other things. Everything around you contains its own energy, even your couch or fridge! It’s good to show your gratitude and treat them well, not only living organisms. I’m sure they would appreciate and reflect your good energy back to you!

Love & Gratitude,


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